Ad Premium Packages

Premium Ads makes your products or services to be seen by users looking for same, for as much as 10x visibility more than the non-premium Ads.

There are three(3) premium packages: "Featured", "Urgent" and "Highlight". Each of these premium plans make your Ad stand out among the rest so it gives you quick result.

To make an Ad premium, 

1. Log into your account, 

2. Click on your profile icon, 

3. Click on "My Ad"

4. Select the Ad you want to make it go premium 

5. Click on "Make Ad more visible"

6. Select the premium type: Featured, Urgent or Highlight.

7. Click on "Upgrade to premium".

Note: After this, you will be redirected to the website for you to login with your email and password that you used to create your account:

8. Supply those details and click on submit.

9. After a successful message is given to you, send the required amount to the momo number; 0547403851 as provided.

Upon Admin receiving the payment, your premium Ad request will be approved for publishing.Â